I have a new app that was initialised with
react-native init demo
and is run successfully using react-native run-ios
I installed a few libraries using CocoaPods and now the react-native run-ios
works but not the xcode build.
I tried deleting the Pods library, checking out all the files back to their original state, and repeating pod install
but I still get the same error in xcode build :
Showing Recent Messages :-1: Cycle in dependencies between targets 'bridgeTests' and 'Pods-bridgeTests'; building could produce unreliable results. Cycle path: bridgeTests → Pods-bridgeTests → bridgeTests Cycle details: Target build order preserved because “Parallelize Build” is off
→ Target 'bridgeTests' has target dependency on Target 'Pods-bridgeTests'→ Target 'Pods-bridgeTests' has target dependency on Target 'bridge' due to target order in a “Target Dependencies” build phase or the scheme ○ That command depends on command in Target 'bridge': script phase “[CP] Copy Pods Resources”
I would like to somehow rebuild my entire ios library so that an xcode build would work just as the react-native run-ios works.
What's the solution?
Thanks, Yaron