On react-native, there's a feature were we can use a components file suffix to build different components according to platform, ie. component.ios.js
and component.android.js
will build a component
module with specific behavior for ios and android.
Is there any way to build different components according to build variants/flavors/schemes? Say, suppose I have a pro
and a lite
version of my app, I'd like to do something like this:
| some-folder/
| -- component.pro.js
| -- component.lite.js
and so when I import component from 'some-folder/component'
, the bundler could detect if I'm using a pro
or lite
build variant and bundle the correct javascript file, in a similar manner that it's done for the OS suffixes.
Do notice that I know that I can just check the build variant at runtime and provide the correct component correctly, but that means bundling the code for the wrong variant in the app - increasing app size needlessly.
Related, is there a way to import images conditionally according to build variant? I know I could just place them in their respective assets folders for each native platform, but I wonder if there are other methods.
Any help is appreciated.