Does anyone have any experience with React Navigation 5 on iOS and nested navigators?
It appears that once the navigation tree hits 5 nested navigators on iOS that instead of being able to access the current pages content it returns a single XCUIElementTypeOther element.
For instance if the navigation tree looks likeStack -> Tab -> Stack -> Tab then the content tree is rendered correctly
But if there’s an extra level such asStack -> Tab -> Drawer -> Stack -> Tab then the content tree becomes that single XCUIElementTypeOther element
I had initial thought this could be down to not using the accessible prop correctly on the view containing the content (as this can cause similar behaviour) but after testing out a number of different nested navigation configurations and setting this prop on every view I believe it’s due to this.
I don’t have this issue on Android as the same structure works perfectly fine, is there just some config I’m missing?