I am using auth0 on a React Native iOS project, and I have completed the following steps:
First you need to run the following command to install react-native-lock
npm install --save react-native-lock
After that, link react-native-lock with your iOS project:
react-native link react-native-lock
When running the above, cocoapods installs a few dependencies which all install successfully:
Adding Podfile to iOS project
Installing Pods
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Using AFNetworking (3.1.0)
Using Lock (1.28.2)
Using Masonry (0.6.4)
Using SimpleKeychain (0.7.0)
Using TouchIDAuth (0.2.0)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Sending stats
Pod installation complete! There are 4 dependencies from the Podfile and 5 total pods installed.
In my Project > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags
I have:
However, when I build the project to my physical iPhone, I get this error for every installed
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/dan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-acmwajylejkvendtsdryuouwuvnl/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/AFNetworking'
Could anyone help me with resolving this error please?