I'm setting up the Google OAuth using Expo's expo-google-app-auth and I have no problem with the login process, but I'm having difficulty logging out.
import * as Google from 'expo-google-app-auth'
const [accessToken, setAccessToken] = useState('')
const storeToken = async (token) => {
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem(token, GOOGLE_TOKEN)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err)
const signInWithGoogleAsync = async () => {
try {
const result = await Google.logInAsync({
iosClientId: IOS_CLIENT_ID,
scopes: ['profile', 'email'],
if (result.type === 'success') {
} else {
return { cancelled: true };
} catch (e) {
return { error: true };
const signoutWithGoogleAsync = async () => {
try {
console.log("token in delete", accessToken)
await Google.logOutAsync({ accessToken, iosClientId: IOS_CLIENT_ID })
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err)
Following is how I login and logout:
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => signInWithGoogleAsync()}>
<Text>Login with Google</Text>
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => signoutWithGoogleAsync()}>
However, when I logout, there are no errors, but doesn't log out of the Google's account. When I click on login button again, the login process doesn't require inputting the password.