I am using some code in a React Native component that is a simple fetch passing a parameter to OMDB API. This could be a CORS issue since if I run it in the format below going directly to omdbapi.com it fails always with Network request Failed. This request however works in the Android emulator on the same network.
// The fetchData function makes an AJAX call to the OMDB API.
fetchData(movieinput) {
console.log("In fetch");
// We pass the movie the user entered in into the URL for the API call.
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((responseData) => {
// After the data is recieved, we set this.state.movie to the result of the API call.
movie: responseData,
If however I run the same code going to a local URL that wraps the remote request into a localhost request, it works correctly.
fetchData(movieinput) {
console.log("In fetch");
// We pass the movie the user entered in into the URL for the API call.
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((responseData) => {
// After the data is recieved, we set this.state.movie to the result of the API call.
movie: JSON.parse(responseData),
Any ideas?