i created an app using react-native ini projectName
and i added a native module package called react-native-facebook-account-kit
And i need to change Info.plist in ios folder and add app id and client token info. Also i created a pod file as facebook docs said.
It works fine. Then i tried to make exactly same thing in expo.
So i used this cli to create a new project
create-react-native-app projectName
then i run npm run eject
and selected second option which is uses both react-native and expo sdk.
So it created ios and android folders successfully.
BUT in ios folder there is no Info.plist file. After my search i found this doc.
And i added some key and values into app.json
like doc said.
"expo": {
"sdkVersion": "27.0.0",
"ios": {
"bundleIdentifier": "com.cecil.foxtail",
"infoPlist": {
"FacebookAppID": "myAppId",
"AccountKitClientToken": "myClientToken",
"CFBundleURLTypes": [
"android": {
"package": "com.cecil.foxtail"
Here is the original Info.plist from the app which is working great.
So how to define these array into app.json ?