I'm following Stephen Grider's react native course in Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-react-native-and-redux-course). In section 15 we create a tracker app. I thought it was a great opportunity to use Strapi as the backend instead of the express/mongo server we build in section 14.
This is where I ran into a problem. When using Strapi in as the backend, the ios simulator crashes every time after creating (signup) a user. The user's get created in Atlas/MongoDB, and I see them in the Strapi admin panel, but I can't continue working on the app because it keeps crashing.
However, when using the express backend created with Stephen, it works just fine and there's no problem.
The code: tracks-server (created by Stephen): https://github.com/serg337/track-server (git@github.com:serg337/track-server.git) - note: like Strapi docs suggests in a warning I took out the username and password for the mongoUri string. tracks-mobile-app: https://github.com/serg337/tracks-mobile-app (git@github.com:serg337/tracks-mobile-app.git)
After creating the user, the app navigates to another screen (ln 27 in authContext.js). When using Strapi, the app crashes before that, it crashes right after creating the user (crash occurs between ln 24 and ln 25 in authContext.js)
The tracks-mobile-app commit 5 uses Stephen's ngrok baseURL (tracker.js) and signup endpoint (authContext.js) and commit 6 uses Strapi's baseURL and endpoint.
in authContext.js there's a console.log(response) in ln 28, when using Strapi it crashes before reaching the console.log.
I believe this could be an issue with Expo and how Strapi relates to it, but I'm not sure at all because I'm not a pro developer (you can probably deduce that since I take beginner Udemy development tutorials). Is there something I need to do to get Strapi to work with Expo? is this an Expo issue?
Please help, I really like Strapi and would love to continue learning to use it with react native. Thanks!