I am trying to integrate Firebase Crashlytics with react native app. Firebase integration done. Already using firebase service for push notification. It's fine. I'm using cocoapods and added this pods.
pod 'Fabric', '~> 1.10.2'
pod 'Crashlytics', '~> 3.14.0'
updated the pod using pod update
I'm not using "use_frameworks!" inside pod because of some reasons.
After all, I built my app to reacl device in both debug mode and release mode. But it is not redirecting firebase console to crashlytics dashboard.
Moreover I have imported react-native-firebase and added these lines in main home page,
firebase.crashlytics().log('Test Message!');
firebase.crashlytics().recordError(37, "Test Error");
But firebase console stuck in the following page itself,
I have verified the app package name and plist file. all are proper with this firebase account.
None of the workarounds are helping. Please suggest some directions to enable crashlytics. Thanks for any help!