I have a react native app for iOS. I am using the the simulator via xCode for development.I am trying to use the below library to get the SSID or even connect to an SSID but keep getting an internal error.
Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-wifi-reborn
I have Access WIFI Information
enabled on xCode. I was getting an issue previously and by adding this it resolved it but now I get a response just as internal error
WifiManager.getCurrentWifiSSID().then(ssid => {console.log("Your current connected wifi SSID is " + ssid);},(err) => {console.log("Cannot get current SSID! " + err);});
Cannot get current SSID! internal error
Note that on the simulator I do not see any Wifi Settings at all. Is this the issue? Must I use a physical device for this to work?