I'm working on an old project where tabbar is created using the Scene from 'react-native-router-flux'.There are five tabs, currently all are showing a particular class component, Bu my requirement hear is that I want to show a popup when click on the center tab and that popup should be shown on over that is open before that tabbar button click.
is this possible to achieve ?, currently I created a whold component with a small popup at the bottom, I tried making the background transparent to show the background view but it didn't work,
I have created the tabbar like this
import { Scene, Router, ActionConst, Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux';<Router><Scene key="root" hideNavBar><Scene key="main" tabBarStyle={styles.tabBarStyle} hideNavBar ><Scene key="tabbar" tabs showLabel={false}><Scene key='phonebookTab' title="Phonebook" icon={TabIcon} initial ><Scene key="phonebook" component={HomeScreen} title='Phonebook' activeTintColor={colors.darkishPurple} hideNavBar /></Scene><Scene key='contactsTab' title="Contacts" icon={TabIcon} ><Scene key="ContactsScreen" component={ContactsScreen} title='Contacts' activeTintColor={colors.darkishPurple} hideNavBar /></Scene><Scene key='myNetworkTab' title="My Network" icon={TabIcon} ><Scene key="myNetwork" component={Contact} title='My Network' activeTintColor={colors.darkishPurple} hideNavBar /></Scene><Scene key='groupsTab' title="Groups" icon={TabIcon}><Scene key="groups" component={Group} title='Groups' activeTintColor={colors.darkishPurple} hideNavBar /></Scene><Scene key='settingsTab' title="Settings" icon={TabIcon}><Scene key="settings" component={Settings} title="Settings" activeTintColor={colors.darkishPurple} hideNavBar /></Scene></Scene></Scene><Router>