I have a react-native component library, which only contains javascript code. I don't have ios/android directory (in library). I want to make it compatible with react-native 0.60. My library has some dependencies which which needs linking. Until this point I was just asking consumers to link these dependencies manually.
Now for autolinking (in RN 0.60) to work, I will need to a podspec for my project. But I don't really have any ios code (or directory) in my library. So I can't create podspec. So in this case, only way I can see is to ask consumers of my library to manually install all the NPM dependencies of my libraries and then pod install
. Is there some other way that I can configure it in my library, that will let cocoapods know to install the dependencies of my library as well?
P.S. I am not really much familiar with ios or cocoapods. So if this question sounds a bit silly, please pardon me.