I want to run a React Native app on an iPhone, not on the simulator, using VSCode.
I came across this past question but cannot get various things here, including the accepted answer to work.
The original launch.json which launches/runs the simulator is:
{"name": "Debug iOS","cwd": "${workspaceFolder}","type": "reactnative","request": "launch","platform": "ios"}
If I try augmenting that to be this:
{"name": "Debug iOS","cwd": "${workspaceFolder}","type": "reactnative","request": "launch","target": "device","runArguments": ["--device", "iPhone"],"platform": "ios"}
(iPhone is the name of my connected device as showing in Xcode)
Or use the accepted answer verbatim:
{"name": "My iPad","program": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/launchReactNative.js","type": "reactnative","request": "launch","platform": "ios","target": "device","sourceMaps": true,"outDir": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/.react"}
Then neither work, in both cases there is the same error:
An error occurred while launching the application. Error whileexecuting command'/Users/me/Desktop/Checkouts/ReactNative/AwesomeProject/node_modules/.bin/react-nativerun-ios --device iPhone --no-packager --verbose': Error whileexecuting command'/Users/me/Desktop/Checkouts/ReactNative/AwesomeProject/node_modules/.bin/react-nativerun-ios --device iPhone --no-packager --verbose' (error code 101)(error code 303)
Anybody got this working and knows what the error/problem/fix is?