I think that the standard naming convention for app Bundle ID's is com.CompanyName.AppName. I submitted my first app via App Store Connect for review. But there were some problems that Apple reported that I needed to fix. It seems that, if the initial app is rejected by Apple, I have to delete the entire app from App Store Connect and then re-add it from scratch. But when I do this, it seems that the bundle ID associated with the deleted app remains associated/reserved for that deleted app. So I can no longer use the standard bundle ID that I used for the original app upload for review. I tried to prefix the new bid like: "com.CompanyName.bid2.AppName" but Apple returned the following error message:
"An App ID with Identifier 'com.MyCompany.bid2.MyApp' is not available. Please enter a different string."
I thought that I might have accidentally submitted that bid already so I tried com.MyCompany.bid3.MyApp but Apple returned the same error message. So I'm guessing that there may be a RegEx which enforces a max of 2 periods in a bid. Is my RegEx assumption correct? Is this a common scenario where the initial app gets rejected and then a new bid is required in order to continue with Apple review for the app fixes? Or did I do something incorrectly in my attempt to submit an update of the app for review? What are some common strategies for updating the bid when you get stuck in this type of scenario?