I need to download videos and display then, for that, im using rn-fetch-blob, react-native-video and react-native-media-controls.On android, everything is working just fine, but when I run on iOS, the video doesnt stop loading and none content is shown.
How im getting the path to source:
I used console logs to see where these paths where going, I get this path: /Users/gabrielmarin/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F7FFA713-A879-4A96-A664-80B9698B732D/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/747C0782-81D6-4046-B13D-D6FDF6A49503/front_app.app/assets/Taskie/example.videoaula
On android path is really simpler and it doesn't have this /Users/gabrielmarin/Library.... part, starts with something like emulator/...