I have ejected project of the expo.
After changing info.plist, now I am able to get my app in the list of "open with app list" and actually able to open that file with my expo(React native app).
Linking.getInitialURL().then((url) => { if (url) { console.log(url); }}).catch(err => console.error('An error occurred', err));
this code is giving me this URL.
So, that means now I have URL of the email attachment, but How am I able to get the data of that csv string in my app?
So I am assuming, when I click open with my app. The URL that is passed into my app from the system is actually a copy of the document that is placed somewhere in our app’s directory.
But when I trying to access this file with Expo.FileSystem. readAsStringAsync it's giving me an error says, the file is not readable.
is there anything to do with storage permission?
Need Help....?