I am running a native-react app on my local El Capitan Mac OS X machine. I am trying to get it to run in simulator for iOS.
The build is succeeding but I am seeing a red screen with the words: Native module cannot be null.
I am seeing this error in console:
NotFoundError: Cannot find entry file global code@http://localhost:8081/index.ios.js in any of the roots: ["/Users/User/f8app"] at DependencyGraph._getAbsolutePath (/Users/User/f8app/node_modules/node-haste/lib/index.js:288:13) at /Users/User/f8app/node_modules/node-haste/lib/index.js:226:30 at process._tickCallback (node.js:401:9)
How do I fix this? Thank you.
React-native version:react-native-cli: 1.0.0react-native: 0.28.0
EDIT: This is incredibly confusing, because index.ios.js is in the root of my project.