I am rendering images after cropping it into squares using ImageManipulator
then saving it to file system the issue is i can't render images from filesystem on ios but on android it works fine this is a snap shot of my code
const img = 'https://url.com/do720ahaw3zerqcychmu.jpg'; await Image.getSize(img, (width, height) => { this.setState({ width, height }) }) let imageWidth = this.state.width / 3; let imageHieght = this.state.height / 3; let list = []; let crop = {}; for (let iHeight = 0; iHeight < 3; iHeight++) { for (let iWidth = 0; iWidth < 3; iWidth++) { let pointX = iWidth * imageWidth; let pointY = iHeight * imageHieght; crop = { originY: pointY, originX: pointX, // originX: (-(this.crop.originX - 46.875) * 3) / this.crop.scale, width: imageWidth, height: imageHieght }; const data = await ImageManipulator.manipulateAsync(img, [{ crop }], { format: ImageManipulator.SaveFormat.JPEG }); list.push({ img: data.uri }); } }