I'm using RN-0.61.5 and I have this weird issue where when i toggle to the software keyboard the entire content above the FlatList gets moved out of the screen altogether. I used the KeyboardAvoidingView and it keeps all elements except the textInput in screen. the text input is sent out of view.Original content without keyboard and keyboard popped up
I am unable to figure out what to do to avoid the keyboard from pushing my textInput bar out of screen. Below is the textInput search bar code. Any help appreciated.
const searchBar = (<KeyboardAvoidingView style={{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', position: 'relative', justifyContent: 'flex-start', }} behavior={Platform.OS === IOS ? 'position' : undefined} keyboardVerticalOffset={550}><View style={styles.searchBarContainer}><Card style={styles.searchBar}><TextInput style={styles.inputSearch} placeholder={I18n.t('ResourcesList.searchResourcePlaceholder')} onChangeText={text => { props.updateQuery(text); }} onSubmitEditing={props.submitSearch} clearButtonMode="always" /> {props.loading ? (<View style={styles.searchBarPlaceholder}> {PlaceholderLoaderSmall('')}</View> ) : (<></> )}<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.5} onPress={props.submitSearch}><Image source={props.imageSource} style={styles.searchButton} /></TouchableOpacity></Card></View></KeyboardAvoidingView> );