I am trying to share a video from a react native app.
const shareVideoContent = { contentType: 'video', video: { localUrl: encodeURI(localPath) }, contentTitle: 'Sample Title',};console.log(shareVideoContent);ShareDialog.canShow(shareVideoContent).then((canShow) => { if (canShow) { return ShareDialog.show(shareVideoContent); }}).then( (result) => { if (result.isCancelled) { alert('Share operation was cancelled'); } else { alert('Share was successful with postId: '+ result.postId); } }, (error) => { alert('Share failed with error: '+ error.message); });
I have tried the file from both albums and inside the app every time it shows SharingContent is invalid.
Couple of paths I have tried
{"localUrl": "ph://3C5FBF8E-4546-4D67-99F5-BC2F37EB7CEC/L0/001"}
{"localUrl": "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/BC4AED6B-BF36-4D12-BD41-0898AE83260C/Documents/VID20843.mp4"}
I have the facebook app installed & logged in.