I am trying to write tests for my application using Detox. but while navigating screen from Login screen my tests get failed due to matcher not found.I have added testID properly in render function still getting an error.here is my tests code:
it('should login successfully', async () => {await device.reloadReactNative();await element(by.id('textInput_username_login')).typeText('test');await element(by.id('textInput_password_login')).typeText('123456');await element(by.text('Log In')).tap();await expect(element(by.id('otp'))).toBeVisible();});
getting below error:
Test Failed: No elements found for “MATCHER(identifier == “ otp”&& NOT DESCENDANT(class ⊇“RCTTextView”&& identifier == “ otp”))”
Thanks in advance.