Good morning,
I have problems with a react application that I didn't write (it was written by another person that doesn't work here).
The code is :
const red = useSelector(state => return (<SAView style={MyStyle.container}><Header title={red.page_list.length !== 0 ? red.page_list[props.navig.getParam('id', 1) - 1].name : ''} {...props} drawEnabled /><View style={{ ...MyStyle.mainPart, padding: 0 }}><WView style={{width: '100%', height: '100%'}} source={red.page_list.length !== 0 ? {uri: red.page_list[props.navig.getParam('id', 1) - 1].website} : {html: '<div>No Internet</div>'}} /></View></SAView> )
It may be display a page list : with Android there aren't any kind of problems, with iOS there are problems and the list "red-page_list" is always returned empty, so the app shows "No Internet" (a message without a sense, because other pages or screen of the app run correctly also on iOS).
So I want to resolve this problem.
SAView and View are other two files that define a class, that are defined by the other programmer.