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React Native to Swift bridge - passing both a parameter and a callback


I am attempting to send base64 image string to swift and I would like the classification of the image returned to me in my call back. However, I can pass a string, and I can pass a callback individually with success, but when I add them together I am receiving:

Exception 'bothClassifyAndCallback: is not a recognized Objective-C method.

Here is my bridge.m - note methods classify and myCallback work just fine

#import "React/RCTBridgeModule.h"@interface RCT_EXTERN_MODULE( ImageClassifier, NSObject )    RCT_EXTERN_METHOD( classify: (NSString*)img  )    RCT_EXTERN_METHOD( myCallback: (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback )    RCT_EXTERN_METHOD( bothClassifyAndCallback: (NSString*)img (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback)@end 

Here is my bridge.swift file

import Foundation@objc( ImageClassifier )class ImageClassifier: NSObject {  @objc  func classify( _ img: String )  {    print( img )  }  @objc   func myCallback( _ callback: RCTResponseSenderBlock ) {      callback([ "From swift to js" ])   }  @objc   func bothClassifyAndCallback( _ img: String, _ callback: RCTResponseSenderBlock )  {    print( img )    return callback( [ "recieving and returning to js" ] )  }  @objc  static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {      return true  }}

And here is my call in react native

class BridgeTest extends React.Component {    constructor(){         super()        this.classifier = NativeModules.ImageClassifier     }    onPress = () => {        this.classifier.classify( "from js" )                                          // this works        this.classifier.myCallback( ( arg ) => { console.log( "my arg is" + arg ) } ) // This works        this.classifier.bothClassifyAndCallback( "argument", ( arg ) => { console.log( "my arg is " + arg ) })}render() {    return( <Button title="bridge" onPress={this.onPress}></Button> )}export default BridgeTest}

I suspect I am wrong here:

RCT_EXTERN_METHOD( bothClassifyAndCallback: (NSString*)img (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback)

But after trying several variations I just can't get it to work. Thanks.

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