I have <WebView>
that is embedded in a <Card.Content>
as I am using react-native-paper
. I am trying to have WebView
scrollable. The webview shows but not scrollable.
Code I am using:
<Card theme={{ roundness: 20 }} style={{ margin: 10, height: height*0.8 }} elevation={14}><Card.Content style={{ flex: 1 }}><View style={{ justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }}><WebView style={{ width: width * 0.8, height: height * 0.9 }} allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures={false} source={{ uri: "https://paypal.com"}} pullToRefreshEnabled={false} javaScriptEnabled startInLoadingState decelerationRate="normal" scalesPageToFit={Platform.OS == "android"? false : true} originWhitelist={['*']} domStorageEnabled={true} scrollEnabled renderError={e => { console.log(e); }} /></View></Card.Content></Card>
How can I make WebView