I am working on a calendar and trying to use the react-native-calendar-events library to add events to the native iOS calendar but I seem to get an error saying that the createCalendarEvent() declaration is missing a "(". I am not sure where exactly I am missing it.
async function addToCalendar(event) {try {const startDate = Platform.OS === "ios" ? format(parse(event.StartDateLocal)) : parse(event.StartDateLocal);const endDate = Platform.OS === "ios" ? format(parse(event.EndDateLocal)) : parse(event.EndDateLocal);const allEvents = await RNCalendarEvents.fetchAllEvents(startDate, endDate);const calendarEvent = allEvents.find(e => e.title === event.Title);if (calendarEvent) { alert("You have already added this event to your calendar.");} else { const title = event.Title; const { Location: { AddressLine1: address, City: city, StateAbbreviation: state, PostalCode: zip } } = event; const location = `${address}, ${city}, ${state}, ${zip}`; const settings = { location, startDate, endDate }; RNCalendarEvents.saveEvent(title, settings) .then(() => { alert("Event Saved"); }) .catch(rejectionReason => { console.log(rejectionReason); alert("Oops! Something has gone wrong."); }); }} catch (e) {alert(e.message);}}