I am facing this error from few days and I am unable to release the .ipa file manually also due to this issue
error: No profile for team 'team_id' matching 'com.companyname.appname' found: Xcode couldn't find any provisioning profiles matching 'team_id/com.companyname.appname'. Install the profile (by dragging and dropping it onto Xcode's dock item) or select a different one in the Signing & Capabilities tab of the target editor. (in target 'TargetName' from project 'ProjectName')
Earlier I was able to build and submit the app using the same provisioning profile.
This is my beta name in fastfile
lane :beta do version = get_version_number(target: 'TargetName') get_certificates # invokes cert get_provisioning_profile # invokes sigh increment_version_number(version_number: version) increment_version_number(bump_type: 'patch') build_app(workspace: "ProjectName.xcworkspace", scheme: "SchemeName", skip_profile_detection: true ) upload_to_testflight end
Note my code signing is set to MANUAL
I was able to submit the app to test flight with the same configuration mentioned above but suddenly it stopped working.
I have tried following to fix the issue
- I have checked the code singing it is as the fastlane document suggests.
- I have changed the folder permission to allow the access to all users.
- I have given permission to user where the provisioning profiles are stored.
- i have tried wrapping the build code in gym()
Dir.chdir('../Pods') do disable_automatic_code_signing( path: 'ProjectName.xcodeproj', team_id: 'team_id', targets: ['TargetName'], profile_name: 'com.companyname.appname' ) gym(workspace: 'ProjectName.xcworkspace',scheme: "SchemeName", clean: true) upload_to_testflight end
- I have also tried moving the Provisioning Profiles folder to automatically create a new one. using the following command
mv ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles ~/Library/MobileDevice/Old\ Provisioning\ Profile
Even with the newly created Provisioning profile the problem still persists
Still unable to resolve the issue.
Please help.
Thanks in Advance