Hope you are staying healthy in this pandemic period.I have one issue in my expo app.Please check the attached images
And the following is from Android
As you can see, the position of icon for the password field is incorrect on Android.The code is like the following.
<View style={styles.footer}><View style={styles.inputContainer}><Icon name="email-outline" size={wp('6%')} color="#00438b" style={styles.inputIcon} /><TextInput label="Email" style={styles.input} /></View><View style={styles.inputContainer}><Icon name="shield-key-outline" size={wp('6%')} color="#00438b" style={styles.inputIcon} /><TextInput label="Password" style={styles.input} /></View></View>
And also the style is:
footer: { flex: 3, backgroundColor: '#fff', borderTopLeftRadius: wp('6%'), borderTopRightRadius: wp('6%'), paddingHorizontal: wp('5%'), paddingVertical: wp('7%'), }, inputContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }, inputIcon: { flex: 1, paddingTop: wp('3%'), alignSelf: 'center' }, input: { flex: 5, marginLeft: wp('4%'), backgroundColor: '#fff', padding: 0 }
Please let me know the reason.Thanks for your attention!