So I've been facing a really weird problem with React Native.I installed a library via Cocoapods for picking images from the camera roll/photo Library and cropping the image as well, it is a silver bullet for this kind of usage. But then, it installs alongside React Native version 11, but this version of React Native was not what I wanted so I had to install React Native via Cocoapods as well so I can have the React Native version I'm using.Now all installed well and if I try to build in my Dev environment everything works fine but when I try to archive, I get the error for duplicate symbols for WebSocket, Image (the library requires you to add RCTImage as a subspec in Cocoapods for React Native), RCTText, etc. basically all the subspecs you're required to add if installing React Native via Cocoapods according to the React Native docs.So I figured I'll need to remove the manually linked libraries from my project, so I did that, but that only resulted in me now having another error when building for dev saying WebSocket, Linking, Network, etc are missing. Basically all the subspecs you're adding via Cocoapods, so I don't understand, if I install React Native and all its subspecs via Cocoapods (I'm also running in the workspace) shouldn't my project use the installed pods and not the linked libraries?I've been on this for like 3 weeks now.
Here is my linked binaries list.
Please, what do I do? I've been stuck for 3 weeks now, have tried almost any solution online but nothing has changed.
Thanks in advance.