So what we want is something like:
In iOS we could use multiple cellIdentifier for each cell type to create performant listview.
What I have now is something like
render() { const dataBlob = [ { type: "address", data: { address, gotoEditAddress } }, { type: "deliveryTime", data: {...} }, { type: "cartSummary", data: {...} }, ...[ => {{ type: "item", data: {...} }})], { type: "paymentInformation", data: {...} }, { type: "paymentBreakdown", data: {...} }, { type: "promoCode", data: {...} }, ]; this._dataSource = this._dataSource.cloneWithRows(dataBlob); return (<ListView ref="ScrollView" renderRow={this._renderRow} dataSource={this._dataSource} /> );)
and on the renderRow method
_renderRow = (rowData) => { const { type, data } = rowData; if (type === "address") return <AddressRow {} />; if (type === "deliveryTime") return <DeliveryTimeRow {} />; if (type === "menuItem") return <MenuItemRow {} />; if (type === "cartSummary") return <CartSummaryRow {} />; if (type === "promoCode") return <PromoCodeRow {} />; if (type === "paymentInformation") return <PaymentRow {} />; if (type === "paymentBreakdown") return <PaymentBreakdownRow {} />; return null;};
The problem with the above code is that it's making the dataSource.rowHasChanged method to be really complicated to implement correctly.
and for some reason when I removed a row, in RN0.31 you will have some ui-defects as such: