I want to send images/video in chat application, developed using React-native-gifted-chat and Firebase, How can I create action for them and call that actions to upload in firebase and send images/video?
Here is my code.
handleSendImage = () => { console.log("handleSendImage"); }; renderActions(props) { return (<Actions {...props} // containerStyle={{ // width: 70, // }} icon={() => (<Icon name={"camera"} size={30} color={colors.btnBg} font={"FontAwesome"} onPress={this.handleSendImage} /> )} onSend={(args) => console.log(args)} /> ); }<GiftedChat placeholder={"Hey!"} alwaysShowSend messages={messages} onSend={(newMessage) => this.onSend(this.chatID(), newMessage)} renderInputToolbar={this.renderInputToolbar} renderActions={this.renderActions} user={{ _id: senderId, name: senderName, }} />
How can I click on particular actions and send voice and images/video respectively?