I'm trying to implement custom icons with Fontello on React Native with IOS but running into the same problem. I followed all the required steps from documentation by installing vector-icons and then linking them. Next I placed the .ttf file in my /assets/fonts folder and linked those as well. I checked that the .ttf was placed in resources in the ios folder as well as the build phases and info.plist. However, when I run it, the font shows up as question mark inside a box which responds to size and color. What should I be doing? I tried restarting, relinking, and deleteing and reinstalling the app among other solutions.
Here is the code for the icon:
import { createIconSetFromFontello } from 'react-native-vector-icons';import fontelloConfig from '../config.json';const Icon = createIconSetFromFontello(fontelloConfig);... render(){ StatusBar.setBarStyle('light-content', true); return (<View style={styles.loginContainer}><Icon name="icon_x" size={80} color="#bf1313" />...