I'm using revenuecat for in-app purchase I want to add "Monthly subscription", So I follow the Docs for configuration.and set up everything as they wrote.
For code part
In App.js
import Purchases from 'react-native-purchases';export default class App extends React.Component { componentDidMount() {... Purchases.setDebugLogsEnabled(true); Purchases.setup('apiKey'); }......}
here a specific screen here should I return the price, name, time "monthly" and other data (display product)
import React, {Component} from 'react';import {View, Text} from 'react-native';import Purchases from 'react-native-purchases';export default class OneMonthPurchases extends Component { getOfferings = async () => { try { const offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings(); console.log('offerings', offerings); // offerings: {"all": {}} } catch (error) { console.log('error when get offerings', error); } }; componentDidMount() { this.getOfferings(); } render() { return (<View><Text>One Month Purchases</Text></View> ); }}
but when I log offers I got offerings: {"all": {}}
So how can I solve it Or I miss something?
Note: I test on simulator