I am developing an app in RN with Expo. It's basically a WebView of the website, that listens to postMessages to switch to the Login and Signup Screens using a ReactNavigation stack.My problem: when I login, iOS offers to save the login details, but the prompt make the app crash : white screen when I go back on the webview screen (I can see the webview's content for half a second). Same thing with the standalone version and with the notification request iOS prompt...For the standalone app I need to reinstall it. When running with Expo Client, cannot reopen project even after rebooting the iPhone, works after reinstall of the Expo Client App.
See attached screenshot video.
- Expo SDK 37.0.1 (react native https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-37.0.1.tar.gz)
- iOS 13+ on iPhone 8, reproduced with other iPhones and on iOS 12 with BrowserStack AppLive
- React Navigation 4.3.9 And React Navigation Stack 2.7.0
I have tried to update Expo SDK, react navigation, rebuild the app. Logging with Google or Fb does work. As I do not have a Mac, I have a lot of trouble debugging the WebView.