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SVG loading issue in react native WebView (iOS)


Tools used

D3 js: v4.11.0react-native: v0.60.3react-native-webview: v9.3.0

Previously I was using react-native 0.59.8 and I was using WebView from react-native, in this version WebView was working fine, SVG was also loading perfectly, but after upgrading react native to 0.60.3, I also have to take WebView from react-native-webview,

React Native WebView :-

<WebViewscrollEnabled = {true}originWhitelist={["*"]}javaScriptEnabled={true}source={{ uri: isAndroid ? "file:///android_asset/widget/index.html" : "./widget/index.html" }}// useWebKit={false}allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs={true}allowFileAccess={true}scalesPageToFit={true}onMessage={this.getSelectedSeat}ref={component => (this.webview = component)}style={{ width: deviceWidth, height: deviceHeight }}/>



Capturing in HTML:

this.window.addEventListener("message", data => {}

Loading SVG in HTML :-

function loadSVG(svgURL) {      d3.xml(        svgURL,        function (xml) {          if (xml != null) {            var importedFile = document.importNode(xml.documentElement, true);            d3.select("#layout")              .node()              .append(importedFile);          }        },        err => {          alert('error')        }      );    }

In android same code is working fine, but not in iOS, every time xml is null, but it was fine in the older version of WebView where I was taking WebView from react-native, I don't know what I'm missing, may be some property. Please Help.

Update:I'm getting error message: {"isTrusted":true}, I think this is Cross-Origin related issue, is there any way to disable this in iOS WKWebView?

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