I'm new to ios development and I got a zip file from another developer for an ios project. When I ran pod install, the terminal shows this error:
[!] Invalid `Podfile` file: cannot load such file -- /Users/abc/Desktop/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules. # from /Users/abc/Desktop/ios/Podfile:2 # ----------------------------------------- # platform :ios, '9.0'> require_relative '../node_modules/@react- native-community/cli-platform- ios/native_modules' # # -----------------------------------------
The directory is like this
GoogleService-Info.plist ISApp.xcodeproj Podfile.lockISApp ISApp.xcworkspace PodsISApp-tvOS ISAppTests instrumentscli0.traceISApp-tvOSTests Podfile
I have looked at the thread below but it doesn't help at all. Any input is appreciated.
react-native ios Podfile issue with "use_native_modules!"