I am using universal linking for login in my react-native application but universal linking does work for some versions and for some it doesn't launch the application but open the url in safari.I have hosted apple-app-site-association on server. Users are using testflight for testing the app but sometime it works for iOS 13+ version and breaks for < 13 and today I got and feedback that its not working on 13.5.1.
Here is my apple-app-site-association
{"applinks": {"apps": [],"details": [ {"appIDs": ["XXXXXXXX.com.abc.xyz" ],"appID": "XXXXXXXX.com.abc.xyz","components": [ {"/": "/verify/*","comment": "" } ],"paths": ["/verify/*"] }, {"appID": "XXXXXXXX.com.abc.xyz","paths": ["/verify/*"] } ] }}
Here is my entitlement file image
I need serious help for this I can provide more info if required.