I am trying to get my React-Native app to run on my iPhone. It uses the expo background location service, and as such I need to use a custom iOS expo client to run the app on my iPhone (as suggested here). I am following this tutorial to install a custom iOS expo client on an iPhone. I have already created the device I want this custom expo client to be installed on in my Apple Developer console. I am running Windows 10 version 1809 on my development computer.
The process works smoothly until I need to select whether I would like to register a new device. I select No (n) as my device is already listed, and I get the error:
? Would you like to register a new device to use the Expo client with? NoUnable to fetch manifest from: https://exp.host/@exponent/home.
Here is a screenshot of the process:
I have also tried entering Yes (Y) and the process works fine until I try to install the profile on my iPhone when I get the message:
Waiting for user to register their device for development
Despite the message's implication that an email will arrive detailing the directions to register for UDID (presumably to my expo account email), an email never arrives.
I would expect that when I enter No (n) I should get a link and/or QR code to install the client on my device.
I am certain others have also set up a custom expo client for iOS. What could I possibly be doing wrong?