import wd from 'wd';jest.setTimeout(60000);const PORT = 4723;const config = { platformName: 'iOS', deviceName: `iPhone X`, platformVersion: '12.2', app: '/path/to/', useNewWDA: true, autoLaunch: false,};let screenshotIndex = 0const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', PORT);directory = '../screenshots';`enter code here`beforeAll(async () => { await driver.init(config); await driver.sleep(7000); // wait for app to load});afterEach(async () => { await driver.takeScreenshot().then( function (image, err) { require('fs').writeFile(`screenshot-${screenshotIndex++}.png`, image, 'base64'); } );});test('appium renders', async () => { let contexts = await driver.contexts(); console.log('contexts', contexts); await driver.context(contexts[1]); await driver.elementById('username').type(''); await driver.elementById('password').type('#1234'); await driver.elementById('Login').click();});
//Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 60000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 60000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.
After I run this I get the above error. Not sure where am i going wrong