I am making react native application and one screen I am used webview for that and I want to handle onNavigationStateChange props one time call right now it is calling multiple times so any idea how can I solve this issue. refer below code
<WebView ref={r => this.webview = r} style={{width:globals.screenWidth, height:globals.screenHeight}} bounces={false} style={{ flex: 1 }} startInLoadingState scalesPageToFit javaScriptEnabledAndroid={true} javaScriptEnabled={true} domStorageEnabled = {true} onNavigationStateChange={data => this.handleNavigationStateChange(data) } onLoadStart={() => { console.log("onLoadStart-->"); }} onLoadEnd={() => { console.log("onLoadEnd-->"); }} source={{uri: globals.MYURL}} onError={(error) => this.onError()} />handleNavigationStateChange = navState => { console.log("navState >>>>"+ JSON.stringify(navState));};
When i run above code navState >>>> print 3 times I want to handle it 1 time so how can I solve this issue? Your all suggestions are appreciable.