I'm displaying dynamic maps inside my app using using react-native-maps. I want Google Maps app to launch when user login ,but the map only can only on the iphoneSE simulator ,can't show on other iphone simulatorI'm not sure is it the xcode setting or style below is my code
import React from "react";import MapView,{ PROVIDER_GOOGLE, Marker, Callout} from 'react-native-maps';import {Text, Image,View} from "react-native"function GoogleMap() { return(<View><MapView provider={PROVIDER_GOOGLE} style={{ width:"100%", height:"100%", }} region={{ latitude: 22.3204, longitude: 114.1698, latitudeDelta: 0.015, longitudeDelta: 0.0121, }}><Marker coordinate={{latitude: 22.3204,longitude: 114.1698,}} title="Mk cai"></Marker><Marker coordinate={{latitude:22.3351448, longitude: 114.1868841}} title='Tecky Academy'><Callout><Text><Image style={{ height: 100, width:100 }} source={require('../image/Alex.jpg')} resizeMode="cover" /></Text></Callout></Marker></MapView></View> )}export default GoogleMap