I am attempting to get Expo's geofencing api up and running via a button action in react native.
I've put together an example, but when I attempt to initiate the geofencing action it doesn't do anything. I receive no notification if I am inside or outside a region. Was hoping to get some guidance on this. I can't find a working example. I've already found the following posts that don't seem to work:
Expo startGeofencingAsync not starting
Expo - increase location accuracy with Geofence
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Button } from 'react-native';import React, { Component } from 'react';import * as Permissions from 'expo-permissions';import * as Location from 'expo-location';import * as TaskManager from 'expo-task-manager';class App extends Component {state= { point : {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}, hasLocationPermission: null, location: null}async componentDidMount() { this.getLocationsPermissions(); //Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.LOCATION); //await Location.startLocationUpdatesAsync('firstTask', { // accuracy: Location.Accuracy.Balanced, //});}//update location pointsgetCurrentLoc = async () => { console.log('retrieving points'); let location = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync({}); location = await JSON.stringify(location); location = await eval( '('+'['+ location +']'+')' ); this.setState({ location: location })}//ask for location permissions getLocationsPermissions = async () => { let { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.LOCATION); //status && console.log('location: ', status) if (status !== 'granted') { this.setState({ errorMessage: 'Permission to access location was denied', }); } else { this.setState({ hasLocationPermission : status }) }}_startGeofence = async () => { console.log('starting geofencing test ...') Location.startGeofencingAsync('geofence', [ { latitude: 40.763882, longitude: -73.929893, radius: 50 } ] );}; render() { return (<View><Text>geofence test</Text><Button onPress={this._startGeofence} title="AM-I-IN-THE-REGION?" /><Text>{this.state.location ? `my current location is lat: ${this.state.location[0].coords.latitude}` : `none`}</Text></View> ); }}export default App;TaskManager.defineTask("geofence", ({ data: { eventType, region }, error }) => { if (error) { // check `error.message` for more details. return; } if (eventType === Location.GeofencingEventType.Enter) { console.log("You've entered region:", region); } else if (eventType === Location.GeofencingEventType.Exit) { console.log("You've left region:", region); }});