I'm using PureComponent to render items of my FlatList and when I use FlatList and pass a local state to it in data, the rendering works very well, I don't have wasteful re-rendering. However, when I use FlatList with an array from my redux store in data, if I scroll down, each time that onReachEnd is called, re-render work well. But when I don't have anymore data to load and I scroll up, all my items re-render one per one.
Like my whole list is lost.
I'm using exactly the same list with local state in data, and it works perfectly! The issue only appear when I try to make FlatList and Redux work together
ref={(view) => this.list = view}
style={{flex: 1}}
keyExtractor={(item) => String(item.emitter.id)}
onEndReached={!this.props.lastPage ? this._endReached : null}