I am using react-native-webview
for rendering a webview. When I navigate from one page to other inside the webview and then try to go back using this.webviewref.goBack()
I get the exception of nodeHandle expected to be non-null
Here is my piece of code
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}><Header headingText={headerText} onpress={() => { // this.dispatchCustomEvent(BACK_PRESS); if (this.canGoBack) { this.webViewRef.goBack(); } else NavigationActions.pop(); }} /><WebView source={{ uri: "http://localhost:3001/invite/" }} bounces={false} javaScriptEnabled={true} ref={webViewRef => (this.webViewRef = webViewRef)} // injectedJavaScript={patchPostMessageJsCode} onMessage={event => { const { type, data } = JSON.parse(event.nativeEvent.data); console.log({ type }); console.log({ data }); this.handleEvent(type, data); }} onNavigationStateChange={navState => (this.canGoBack = navState.canGoBack) } /></View>
console logging this.webViewRef
shows that the goBack
method exists in the weViewRef
The code for which throws the nodeHandle expected to be non-null
can be found here https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-webview/blob/master/src/WebView.ios.tsx
I am unable to understand what is the problem with getWebViewHandle
and why nodeHandle
is null.