I'm trying to add in-app purchase in my ios App "react native".But in App store should i add screenshots in Review Information sections, So what's should i add here?
and I use 'react-native-iap'
when I call getProducts()
it returns empty array so how can i fix it?
after a couple of days Sadly I just using Testflight and it takes a lot of time to debug!!
So i just found a friend who has an iPhone and tests it,It works and Buys successfullyBut now he's very busy So
I just want when users buy products successfully Dispatch an action to change something in the app 'access to full features' and send a request to our API.
So how can i know if this user buys successful or not?
here's my code
getProduct = async () => { try { await RNIap.initConnection(); // console.log('init?', init); const availablePurchases = await RNIap.getProducts(items); console.log('availablePurchases', availablePurchases); this.setState({ availablePurchases, }); } catch (err) { // console.warn(err); Alert.alert('Error purchase available', JSON.stringify(err)); } }; requestSubscription = async sku => { try { let req = await RNIap.requestSubscription(sku); // is here should i check // if (req) dispatch action? } catch (err) { Alert.alert(err.code, err.message); } };