I have created a navigation setup for my application that should start off with a welcome screen on the welcome screen you find two buttons, one for registering and the other for logging in.
When the user registers or logs in he get sent to other screens. I have created a stack navigator between the log in and register screen and put them in a loginFlow constant and another between the welcome screen and the loginFlow constant and the navigation between these screens works, but for some reason the welcome screen doesn't get shown first instead I get the sign up screen (register screen).
Why is that the case and how can i make the welcomeScreen get shown first
import React from "react";import { View } from "react-native";import WeclomeScreen from "./app/screens/WelcomeScreen";import MainScreen from "./app/screens/MainScreen";import AccountScreen from "./app/screens/AccountScreen";import { Provider as AuthProvider } from "./app/context/AuthContext";import { createMaterialBottomTabNavigator } from "react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs";import SignupScreen from "./app/screens/SignupScreen";import { createAppContainer, createSwitchNavigator } from "react-navigation";import { createStackNavigator } from "react-navigation-stack";import ResultShowScreen from "./app/screens/ResultShowScreen";import ResolveAuthScreen from "./app/screens/ResolveAuthScreen";import SigninScreen from "./app/screens/SigninScreen";import ArticleSaveScreen from "./app/screens/ArticleSaveScreen";import { setNavigator } from "./app/navigationRef";const articleListFlow = createStackNavigator({ Main: MainScreen, // screen with diffrent articles categories ResultsShow: ResultShowScreen, // article details screen});const loginFlow = createStackNavigator({ Signup: SignupScreen, Signin: SigninScreen,});loginFlow.navigationOptions = () => { return { headerShown: false, };};articleListFlow.navigationOptions = { title: "News Feed", tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => (<View><Icon style={[{ color: tintColor }]} size={25} name={"ios-cart"} /></View> ), activeColor: "#ffffff", inactiveColor: "#ebaabd", barStyle: { backgroundColor: "#d13560" },};const switchNavigator = createSwitchNavigator({ ResolveAuth: ResolveAuthScreen, MainloginFlow: createStackNavigator({ WelcomeScreen: WeclomeScreen, loginFlow: loginFlow, }), mainFlow: createMaterialBottomTabNavigator( { articleListFlow: articleListFlow, ArticleSave: ArticleSaveScreen, // we dont need this one Account: AccountScreen, }, { activeColor: "#ffffff", inactiveColor: "#bda1f7", barStyle: { backgroundColor: "#6948f4" }, } ),});const App = createAppContainer(switchNavigator);export default () => { return (<AuthProvider><App ref={(navigator) => { setNavigator(navigator); }} /></AuthProvider> );};