I use react-native-iap, And I have Non-Consumable
so i use getAvailablePurchases()
but in every time i getting this error
Cannot connect to iTunes Store
So i can't test what i do or if the user buying successfully or not!
So is there a way to solve this issue?
export default class PurchaseScreen extends Component { componentDidMount() { this.getPurchases(); } getPurchases = async () => { try { const init = await RNIap.initConnection(); console.log('init?', init); const availablePurchases = await RNIap.getAvailablePurchases(items); console.log('availablePurchases', availablePurchases); } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } };subscribe = ()=>{ ...} render() { return (<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>this.subscribe()} style={styles.btn}><Text style={styles.lable}>Subscrib</Text></TouchableOpacity> ) }}