The performance of zoom out(two fingers pan in) particularly is very poor.Kindly let me know if there are some optimisations needed or workaround.
Also, what are some recommended charting libraries available for react native with good customisation options and good performance?
All kinds of suggestions are appreciated.
Reproducible code:
import React from 'react';import { StyleSheet, View,} from 'react-native';import { VictoryLine, VictoryChart, VictoryZoomContainer,} from 'victory-native';const App: () => React$Node = () => { return (<View style={styles.container}><VictoryChart containerComponent={<VictoryZoomContainer zoomDimension="x" // minimumZoom={{x: 1, y: 0.01}} /> }><VictoryLine data={data1.frst} style={{data: {stroke: 'red'}}} interpolation="natural" /></VictoryChart></View> );};const data1 = { frst: [ {x: 'Mon', y: 6}, {x: 'Tue', y: 2}, {x: 'Wed', y: 3}, {x: 'Thu', y: 2}, {x: 'Fri', y: 5}, {x: 'Sat', y: 1}, {x: 'Sun', y: 6}, {x: 'Mon2', y: 6}, {x: 'Tue2', y: 2}, {x: 'Wed2', y: 3}, {x: 'Thu2', y: 2}, {x: 'Fri2', y: 5}, {x: 'Sat2', y: 1}, {x: 'Sun2', y: 6}, {x: 'Mon3', y: 6}, {x: 'Tue3', y: 2}, {x: 'Wed3', y: 3}, {x: 'Thu3', y: 2}, {x: 'Fri3', y: 5}, {x: 'Sat3', y: 1}, {x: 'Sun3', y: 6}, ],};const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, // padding: 10, justifyContent: 'center', }});export default App;