React Native Firebase installation for iOS gets held up at the "Run your app to verify installation" screen.
React Native Firebase has worked on Android for me before.
I followed these instructions.
Here are what I've done so far.
-Set up a project within page.
-Create an iOS app there.
-Install react-native-firebase via npm.
-Add GoogleService-Info.plist file to the project within XCode.
-Make changes to ios/[YOUR APP NAME]/AppDelegate.m file.
-Creat a new Podfile (Cocoa pod) and updated it by "pod update" command.
-Add and edited lines to the Podfile per the instruction.
-Run "pod install"
-Run "react-native link react-native-firebase" from the project root.
-Click "Next" button within Firebase console and move on to "Run your app to verify installation" section.
-Run the iOS app on simulator by running "react-native run-ios" command.
The app boots up and functions as normal in the simulator.
Nothing happens in the Firebase page.
This is the first couple of lines of my Podfile.
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your projectplatform :ios, '9.0'# Required by RNFirebasepod 'Firebase/Core', '~> 5.20.1'target 'My_App_Name' do