I'm using this package for location tracking and using Firebase. then how to show moving direction on map like if moving west my location turns into looking west. I didn't find anything like this. It's so new thing for me.
BackgroundGeolocation.configure({ desiredAccuracy: BackgroundGeolocation.LOW_ACCURACY, stationaryRadius: 120, distanceFilter: 120, notificationTitle: 'Background tracking', notificationText: 'enabled', debug: true, startOnBoot: false, stopOnTerminate: true, locationProvider: BackgroundGeolocation.DISTANCE_FILTER_PROVIDER, interval: 30000, fastestInterval: 30000, activitiesInterval: 30000, stopOnStillActivity: true, url: 'URL!', httpHeaders: {'X-FOO': 'bar', }, postTemplate: { lat: '@latitude', lon: '@longitude', } })