I am new to the React native app. I am integrating my native iOS Framework in the sample react native app. When I try to create a sample app, I saw two option to create and I have added below:
1: npm install -g create-react-native-app:
After installing NodeJS and NPM successfully in my system I have used this command: npm install -g create-react-native-app
For creating the project I have followed this command: create-react-native-app MyReactNative
I can able to use”user_framework!” In the pod file and added swift native dependencies, as well as a static library of react native dependencies and I can able to run the app.
2.react-native init MyReactNative :
I have followed this command for creating the project: react-native init MyReactNative
But when I use the ”user_framework!” In the pod file and added swift native dependencies I can not able to run the app. I am getting the dyld: Library not loaded for swift dependencies.